Bradford Jordan

Bradford Jordan

Education & Credentials

  • BS, Business Administration — University of Florida
  • Ph.D., Finance — University of Florida



Bradford D. Jordan is Professor of Finance and holder of the Richard W. and Janis H. Furst Endowed Chair in Finance in the Gatton College of Business and Economics at the University of Kentucky. He has taught courses in corporate finance, financial management, and financial asset valuation. Prior to joining the University of Kentucky faculty, Dr. Jordan taught at the University of Missouri-Columbia and the University of Georgia.

Dr. Jordan is the co-author of Fundamentals of Corporate Finance and Essentials of Corporate Finance, two of the most widely used corporate finance textbooks in the world, along with Fundamentals of Investments: Valuation and Management, a widely used investments text. He is an associate editor of The Journal of Financial Research and The Financial Review and a past-President of the Southern Finance Association. Dr. Jordan has published numerous articles in leading finance journals such as Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Financial Management, Journal of Finance, and the Journal of Investment Management. He has received numerous awards for his academic contributions, including the 2010 Fama/DFA Award from the Journal of Financial Economics, the Gatton College of Business 2007 Robertson Faculty Research Leadership Award, and the Midwest Finance Association 2005 Distinguished Scholar Award. His current research focuses on the pricing of U.S. Treasury obligations, the effect of taxes on security values, the valuation of exotic options, the pricing of IPOs, and the impact of short selling on stock prices.

In addition to his academic work, Dr. Jordan provides educational and consulting services to corporations and law firms nationwide on a wide range of issues. He has been retained as an expert by leading law firms, submitted expert reports, and provided extensive oral testimony on topics including, but not limited to, corporate finance, investments, market manipulation and fraud, security valuation, and tax shelter-related trading strategies.